500 N Jesse James Rd
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
(816) 630-9297
Early Childhood
The district has five Early Childhood education options. There are currently four half day programs and one full day program. All of the placements are determined by the screening results, as well as the completion of income eligibility paperwork. The half day programs are structured to have three year olds in the morning and four year olds in the afternoon. The classrooms contain students with special needs and also typically developing peer models. The full day program is a Head Start based classroom within the district. Student families must meet the eligibility requirements to receive placement in this classroom. All of the programs at the ECC are staffed by certified teachers with a minimum of an Early Childhood degree.
Fortunately, our Early Childhood Center also has a District Parent Educator and a District Family Advocate. All screenings at the ECC will be completed through the Parents as Teachers department. We have recently added the role of District Family Advocate to the building to provide support to students and parents. This individual will also work closely with the Head Start and give support to the families within the program. In addition, they will support all ECC classrooms in the area of mental health, and any other social service identified as a need.
Early Childhood has support services within the building. We have a Speech/Language Pathologist who serves our ECC students. We also have OT/PT for students that may receive therapy per his/her IEP.
Contact us today for more info!
To speak with the Director of Early Childhood please call (816)630-9290 ext. 6308
To set up preschool screening contact our Parent Educator at (816) 630-9293
To discuss our Head Start program or additional resources for your children ages birth-6 please contact our Family Advocate at (816) 630-1484
Early Childhood Center
ECC Parent Handbook
ECC Supply List